Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Volkswagen SEO

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is a process to affect the search engine results. This is done through keywords. Search engines, like Google, work with keywords on the Internet. If you type ‘strawberry’ you get all the links that mention the word ‘strawberry ‘. A lot of marketers use the technique of manipulating the search engine results. There are two options to do this. The first one is paying Google to get your link on the first page of the search results. The second option is to manipulate and add different keywords on your site or link to get more visitors. The more visitors you get, the higher your link will get in the results. Here, you can learn SEO now.

Now I will tell you something about the new Volkswagen campaign.

Volkswagen has released a special and original search engine campaign.
This kind of search engine advertising is unique and very difficult to develop.

Volkswagen used a special team to optimize Google’s search engine. When you type the sentence “ Ultimate business car “ in Google’s search engine and then you go to pictures you get an advertisement of Volkswagen. They haven’t paid for the advertisement what you normally do to get SEO for your company. They made 4 different special URLS to get the pictures in right order and above other pictures from existing websites.
This is a very hard job to do so, but Volkswagen used a good team to ‘fool’ with Google. Several other sites picked it up and the advertisement was noticed by the Internet community.

The use of Search Engine Optimization is very effective. A lot of people are using search engines. Sometimes I click on a sponsored link because it is the easiest and the accurates on the results. 


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