Monday, March 18, 2013


Most of the time non-profit marketing is a bit boring, the TV commercials are always the same and they give too much information.  The Belgian non-profit organisation Opvoedingslijn tried a different approach.

Parents who think that the education of their child seems to go the wrong way often need a sounding board. They need someone to talk too but also someone who can provide an answer to many questions. You can reach them in two ways: on their phone number 078/15.00.10 and on the site

In this post I’m going to write about two campaigns. 

The first campaign I’m going to talk about is the campaign of 2011. The TV commercial was launched around Christmas, the time when family is the most important thing in your life. In the commercial we see a children's choir singing “Silent Night”. The original text is replaced with things bad kids do. For the people in the mall it has a shocking effect to hear such bad things out of the mouths of innocent children. The campaign went viral and almost 450.000 people have seen the video.

After the success in 2011 Opvoedingslijn decided to make another commercial. They worked together with Belgium’s leading advertising agency Duval Guillaume. This campaign also had the intention to shock the audience. They put up a hidden camera in the toilettes of a luxury hotel somewhere in a Belgian town. There were embarrassing sounds in the ladies' room and the people in the toilet thought that a couple was having sex in the toilet. When the noise stopped two children came out of the toilet.

I think it’s a good idea to shock people because then you have their attention but you have to be careful. If there is no joke in these kinds of commercials, the commercial is only shocking and it will work in a negative way for your brand.  

Stay tuned for more posts. 

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