Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gol Valentine campaign

In February last year, Gol Airlines, a Brazilian airline company launched a valentine campaign (video). Gol is a lowcost airline but it has one problem: an online community.

Building an online community is very important for a company. Gol realised that and started with a campaign to make his online community bigger. Having a large online community is very important because it raises brand awareness.
The other Airline companies had a huge lead in constructing a large community.

That’s why Gol Airlines launched a campaign on Facebook.
At first you have to like their Facebook page. Then Gol would send a status update to all their followers to let them know that they could win seats on the valentine plane. After a few minutes they upload a picture with several seats. The first people who react on the picture with the right seat number win the 2 seats for the valentine trip. The people who want to participate in the contest need to refresh their page as fast as they can.

The campaign that Gol started was a huge success with an average of 90 page refreshments per user and in less than 3 days from 13.000 fans to 200.000.
This was all what it takes to get an online community. It cost nothing except the flight tickets and trips and Gol got some serious brand awareness.

The effect of a campaign like this may never be under estimated. It’s just like my other entries a very original campaign on getting brand awareness and setting up a large social community.
Nowadays you see a lot of online contests and that’s something that people like. 

They are not interested in a stupid old advertising campaign that they get on a silver plate but they want to get involved in the brand and they want to interact. A contest on social media is the perfect example of this. It gets people motivated to do things they would never do for another company. 

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