Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Event marketing | RedBull

How did RedBull become the giant brand it is today? How have they succeeded in building a world-known brand from scratch in just 10 years? 

There are several factors to their success but one of the main pillars is creating brand awareness through events. The original communication strategy has resulted in a premium brand.

RedBull sales evolution
RedBull sales evolution

RedBull wants to be a different company and therefore RedBull thinks different than the rest. That’s why they’re not just sponsoring big events, no, they create entirely new events. The events can be cultural or sporty but have to have one thing in common: they have to be spectacular. This is because the company has made a name for itself for being be a vitalizing, adventurous and unpredictable brand.

RedBull has organized some amazing events in the past few years such as the RedBull air race, RedBull crashed ice, RedBull soundclash and ofcourse the most spectacular of them all: RedBull Stratos in 2012.

RedBull Stratos was a successful attempt to break the world-record for “the world’s biggest jump”. In order to do that they had a trained astronaut (Felix Baumgartner) flown up into space with a giant balloon. Once he was high enough he jumped out of his balloon and made a perfect landing back on earth with the help of his parachute. The jump was a success and over 100 000 people followed the action live through an online live stream which Redbull had posted themselves. This stunt was really spectacular and shows you how far the company is willing to go to be extravagant and get people’s attention.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have a subject in mind that you think I should write about just comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Frederik,

    I’m a huge fan of the way Red bull advertises. They always find a way to create new events.
    The great thing about their events is that the athletes consider the events as the best there is in their sport. Red Bull is also very smart because they sponsor the athletes and there are many people looking up to these athletes. People follow their heroes on Facebook and Twitter and the athletes make a lot of promotion for Red Bull. Hopefully Red Bull keeps inventing these kinds of events because Monster is duplicate Red Bull’s marketing strategy.

    Keep up with these interesting posts.

    Kind regards,

    Dries Dewitte
