Saturday, March 9, 2013

AXE - Happy end of the world

In this blog we will talk about the Axe advertisement: “Happy End of the World!”. The advertisement is made in 2011 where they made publicity for a new Axe in 2012. The makers of this add uses the calendar of the Maya’s, this calendar said that the world would end on 21 December in 2012. And because of that is the name of this spot: Happy End of the World!”.

In the spot we see that the world is going to end and there are people who wants to escape. But there is one man who’s makes something like the ark of Noah to save a lot of people. In the spot we hear the music of DJ Sam with No Man Can Walk Alone. In the end of the spot is the ark of Noah ready to leave and then he uses the new Axe. Because of the good sense, you see that there are coming a lot of beautiful women to the ark. It’s a typical end of a spot of Axe, they always want that you believe that when you use Axe, all the women wants you.

I liked the way that they are making fun with the Maya’s. The buzz of this advertising campaign came a little bit before ‘the end of the world’ (21 December 2012) and not when the spot was launched. It was a subtle way of making advertisement and there was also humour in the spot. 

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