Friday, February 22, 2013

Secret Diary of a Call Girl

While I was surfing on the Internet, I read an interesting article, on the site of “Het Nieuwsblad” about a promotion stunt in New Zealand.
Prime asks the advertising agency DraftFCB Auckland to make a radio spot of 30 seconds for a new drama series, but they did something else…

DraftFCB Auckland made it possible that the dj of More FM, Clarke Gayford, talked 3 days about a man and a call girl that he could see through the window of the radio studio.
On day 3, when the call girl and the man were a hit in New Zealand and many people were listing to the radio, goes the woman who played the call girl to the window and pulled down the curtain with an announcement of the new drama series on it: ‘Secret Diary of a Call Girl 9:35 Tonight on Prime’.

I liked the idea of DraftFCB Auckland very much. They showed that they are creative and can create buzz. This sort of advertisement is much cheaper and much better than traditional advertisement like a TV spot.
This is a good example of buzzmarketing!!


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