Friday, February 22, 2013

Donal Muylle - Dovy Keukens

In this blog we’re going to talk about a Belgian firm Dovy Keuken and their TV spot with Donald Muylle. Dovy Keukens has 15 stores in Flanders where you can see the quality of the kitchens. Before their TV spot was Dovy Keukens not very famous.

The CEO Donald Muylle talks about the kitchens in his own dialect. The TV spot wasn’t a regular spot, because it’s already special when the CEO of the company plays in his own spot and the way of talking was also special. So because of that it’s different than the regular spots and the public likes that.

Thanks to the TV spot everybody was talking about Donal Muylle and Dovy Keukens. Even in the media it was a hot topic, an example is the imitation of Donald Muylle in the program ‘Tegen de sterren op’. They also talked about it on the radio, they made songs with the text of the TV spot…

Donald Muylle was not very happy with all the parodies, but thanks too al the parodies Dovy Keukens is very famous in Belgium today.

I liked it very much that it wasn’t the intention of Dovy Keukens to create this media hype, so it shows that you need also a little but of luck to create buzz around your product or brand.