Friday, February 22, 2013

Coca Cola Zero-Unlock the 007 in you!

Coca Cola is famous for its TV commercials like the happiness factory, but this is something else.
Coca Cola has created a new campaign with the release of the new Bond movie "Skyfall". 
The campaign existed of a TV commercial, a candid camera movie and adapted cans.

The TV commercial is an action scene like we know them from the Bond movies but in a funny way.
It’s about a guy who likes a girl but she has a boyfriend, the girl runs away and the action begins. In the end the guy and the girl jump of a bridge in real James Bond style.

The cans had a design in bond style with a James Bond on it and the title from the movie.

With the candid camera video Coca Cola scored a bull's eye. The movie has almost 10 million views on Youtube. The movie was shot in a Belgian train station (Central station Antwerp) and the participants were unsuspecting train passengers who wanted a Coke zero. When they had received their Coke they were offered a change to win exclusive tickets to Skyfall. The only thing they had to do was get to platform 6 in 70 seconds. On their way there were a lot of obstacles like a lady with a lot of dogs, a cleaning man, two runners blocking the stairs and several others. When they reached the 6th platform there was another machine who gave them the tickets after singing the bond song.

I like this campaign a lot because the movie Skyfall was a big success and the bond films are very popular so you immediately have a big audience you can reach. After posting the candid camera video coca cola’s Facebook page had 400.000 new fans.

Stay tuned for more interesting posts! 


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