Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hi I’m Stijn Lambertyn, student at the Artevelde College in Ghent, studying Marketing and this blog is together with 3 other students for an English course. I will try to intrigue you all with some original and eye-catching advertisements.

The first advertisement or publicity stunt is from a Japanese Company know-as Sony. They launched in January this year an advertisement in which you could use your smartphone, the Sony Experia , and a headphone to listen to a free festival ( see video below ). 

For this technology they used a programme they developed and they showed this to the crowd on a funny and unique way. They printed some posters of several 

bands that were hot in Japan and they filmed their concert.
The use of the application is very easy; When you are in front of the poster you take your Sony Experia and film the poster. The app recognizes which band was on the poster and automatically shows a video of their concert.

This was possible with a new technology Sony developed and Sony wants to show how unique and advanced their company is in technology. The technology they used, was SmartAR”. With this technology you can see video’s or extra information in 3D in a magazine, poster or on the street (photo). 

This is a very original campaign and they let the customer experience different products of Sony so the link between these product that makes them outstanding and advanced.

This kind of campaign is not the first one in the world of advertising but you can count them on one hand. 

Sony is a technology multinational and with this campaign they use high tech technology to let the customers experience new ways of their existing products.

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