Friday, April 12, 2013

Put your friends to the test | Carlsberg

Duval Guillaume
Duval Guillaume

Duval Guilaume does it again. They’ve gone viral again with a video they made for the beer company: Carlsberg. Duval Guilaume is one of Belgium's most successful advertising agencies. The company is located in Antwerp and is known for its moving and spectacular campaigns. The company claims to be an idea-centric communications agency and was started by two friend: André Duval and Guillaume van der stighelen. There is one poster they've created to promote their business that I really like and that's this one:

This new viral video was shot for Carlsberg and shows some guys sitting in a poker room and calling their best friend to come and bail them out for 300 euro. They were calling from 1 till 5 pm! When the friends would arrive at the given address, another surprise would await them. To get to the top floor of the building (where their friend is held) they need to pass several scary obstacles. The question was whether the friendship was big enough to do it. The friends who succeeded in saving their friend where giving a Carlsberg in reward.

In combination with this campaign, Carlsberg also launched a Facebook application where the question was asked whether you'd help your friend out or not. This is really an extremely smart move since it gets the conversation with the customer going. That is a very important part in modern marketing. Marketing used to be a one-sided bombardment of the receivers brain but it has evolved to a conversation.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for our next post!

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