Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Get paid for sharing photos | Puma

It almost sounds too good to be true but it's true. The German sports brand Puma is offering money for sharing photos. The pictures can be uploaded to Foap, a new social picture selling app. The pictures have to be somewhat related to Puma or sport in order to sell. They want pictures of fans doing physical tasks for the new 'Nature of Performance' global marketing campaign. The campaign mainly focuses on fitness, team sport and running and is built around a new kind of shoe. The shoe uses 'Faas Foam' and should relieve your feet.

Puma has already lost the feeling with the public some years ago. With this action they want to build a new relationship with their customers. You could ask yourself why they didn’t use the way more popular photo sharing service Instagram, which was recently bought by Facebook. Well, the reason for using Foap is simple. It is way easier to use their photos for marketing campaigns. All the pictures are bundled in a library and reactions from the community are easy to measure. That’s because users can give each photo a rating. Puma can simply buy the pictures and get all the rights to use them. The user with the highest rating will get 50% of the amount Puma pays for the picture.

The iPhone application had over 10 000 new users within the first month and already over 40 000 pictures where uploaded. Now, Foap has over 300 000 users and 2.5 million photos where uploaded. The new app is serious competition for the existing services because some famous brands have announced to work together with the company. 

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