Saturday, March 23, 2013

Old Spice

Today I'm going to talk to you about the world’s fastest viral video campaign ever made.

Old Spice is an American brand of male grooming products. Old spice is produced by Procter & Gamble.
The problem with these kinds of products is that the user is not the real target group because most women buy these products. They choose instead of their men. Old spice tried to reach both of them and they tried to get couples talking about body wash. Old spice had to convince the women to buy Old Spice instead of lady scented product for their loved ones.

Old Spice worked together with the American advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy. The campaign was launched online super bowl weekend. The advertisement was shown on television shortly after super bowl weekend. The spot was shown on TV before programmes couples watch together. The advertisement became a hit. It was such a sucess that everybody was talking about the campaign. People even made parodies of “the man your man could smell like”.

After the success of “the man your man could smell like” Old Spice launched “The Response Campaign”. The campaign was made in two and a half days. The crew filmed 186 video responses to fans,celebrities and Tweets. All the videos were posted on Youtube. “The Response Campaign” was the fasted growing and most popular interactive campaign ever made. With the campaign they created a conversation with their fans.

Some facts that will show the success of “The response campaign”:

  1. On day  1 the campaign received 5.9 million Youtube views, that’s more than Obama’s victory speech after 24 hours.
  2.   By day 3 the campaign had 20 million views on Youtube, one week after the campaign was launched it had over 40 million views.
  3. The Brand’s Twitter following went up 2700% during the campaign.
  4. Facebook Fan interaction increased 800%
  5. Traffic to went up with 300%
  6. Old Spice became the number one body wash for men.
Case study:

In my opinion this is a very good way to reach your target group. When I first saw the spot I thought it was a bit ridiculous. When I watched it a second time I realised it was a funny commercial. I think the big success of this campaign is due to the conversation they created with the audience.

If you want to read more about Buzz marketing, keep reading Advertising Today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dries,

    Great job you did here with the Old Spice advertisement. these advertisements make people notice a brand. Its incredible how fast the internet community is catching up on these online advertisements. It's a fully new way to interact with customers and get some brand awareness. One thing I learned from this blog in general is that a joke always help. It is nice to follow your blog.

    Kind regards
    Stijn Lambertyn
    A frequently reader
