Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Red Devils

For many of years the Belgian football team was a big disappointment .It has been over ten years since we participated in a big tournament. The last tournament the Belgian team managed to qualify was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held in South Korea and Japan.  The people were very confused because we had good players who played in big European clubs and we couldn’t win from countries like Azerbaijan. The people got annoyed and they stopped believing in the team and stopped supporting te Red Devils.

It went bad with the team until 2010. The Royal Belgian Football Association decided to choose a new direction and they hired the Belgian agency “Boondoggle” (www.boondoggle.eu). Boondoggle made a brand of the football team.

They started with a new fan site : http://www.belgianreddevils.be/nl/home . On this website they started with challenges for the fans. If the fans succeeded in the challenge the team would do something to reward them.

In the first challenge the fans were asked to colour the country as red as possible. The team promised to colour three of the players in red if they succeeded. The fans succeeded and the team held their promise.

In the second challenge the fans were asked to collect 500.000 Db. The fans could share their videos on the Facebook page. The Fans succeeded and collected more than 590.000 DB. The team thanked their fans with a funny game of football.

Because the stadium was sold out for the match against Scotland the fans had to create 1000 new stadiums in their homes our local pubs , take a picture and post it on the Facebook page. As reward three players gave a tour in the home stadium.

Thanks to the good results of the Belgian team and this campaign everybody beliefs again in the Red Devils and they have more fans than they ever had.

The team scores even without ball because they were elected Product of the Year by Stima (Stichting Marketing ).

In my opinion this is a very good campaign, it doesn’t cost a lot of money but it’s so effective. It’s a perfect way to reduce the gap between players and fans.  By these challenges the fans think they have a connection with the players. It’s also a very good example of buzz marketing because all the newspapers, radio channels and television channels talked about the challenges.  This is a perfect example how you can make a great campaign with little money.

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