Friday, April 26, 2013

Kellogs - Special K

In this blog we will talk about the special k campaign of Kellogs. The special thing about this campaign is that they want to sell the product and they offer a plan to keep you fit.

Special K has several TV spots:

This TV spot starts with a lot of women who throw their bathroom scales away through the window. And then they say that the best way to tell how great you look is in your jeans. After that they challenge you with the special k challenge. You must go to the site to design your plan.

In another spot we see a lot of ladies who are hesitate to go on the bathroom scale. And when there on the scale, we don’t see number but words like joy, drive, shine, pep, pride, hope, spirit, calm, laughter, nerve and freedom. After these words every women looks very happy and then they say again to take the special k challenge and lose up to 6 LBS in 2 weeks. The spot end with the slogan ‘what will you gain when you lose?’

In the last spot that we describe we see women before their breakfast. They are eating special k as breakfast and in the spot they tell us that it’s only 114 calories. After the breakfast the women are leaving their hose and the TV spot ends with the slogan: ‘Get more delicious every day’.

If you see al these 3 TV spots, you see that special k take care of you and that you have a balanced diet and active lifestyle.

I like this campaign very much because they are creating a connection with there customers. They help them to stay fit and to lose weight so that their customers are happy and enjoy their life. It’s a campaign for women, so when they are talking with each other is this campaign certainly one of the topics. So this campaign creates buzz!!

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